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Provides information, forms, and pro se packets for those seeking to file for legal custody or visitation Pro Se (by themselves without Legal Counsel). Will assist those interested in filing for custody or visitation of a child by determining, explaining and providing the appropriate paperwork. Will review the completed paperwork for completeness prior to filing at Juvenile Court. Will also review Poverty Affidavits for the Juvenile Court. Does not provide legal advice.


Certificates/Forms Assistance
Divorce/Custody/Support Issues
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Provides confidential mediation for couples who wish to separate or divorce, or who already separated and divorced and who are trying to work out custody or visitation issues. Mediators do not make a decision for clients, but rather help parties to communicate and come up with a resolution that is mutually agreeable.
Assists self-represented individuals seeking a divorce, dissolution, legal separation and/or protection order. Also assissts with custody, visitation, and/or child support. NOTE: Cannot provide legal advice, but it will provide access to standardized forms, answer general questions about the Court’s processes and procedures, and connect litigants to other agencies when appropriate.
Assists with addressing non-payment of child support without relying on formal court proceedings. Offers education, mediation, employment assistance, fatherhood participation and other community services in an attempt to identify and overcome the barriers to non-payment of child support. Works with both parties to develop a tailored case plan and referrals to partner agencies. Partner agencies include Domestic Relations Court, Department of Job and Family Services Workforce Development, Man 2 Man Fatherhood Program, Community Legal Aid and the University of Akron.


Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Divorce/Custody/Support Issues
Provides a process in which parties develop a parenting plan with the help of a mediator. The mediator is a neutral third party who encourages parents to discuss the issues concerning their children and to help them reach an agreement. Goal is to allow the parties control the outcome and to foster communication on the issue in a safe environment and to avoid court proceedings. After an agreement has been submitted and accepted, a judge will sign the documents and the agreement will be put into place. If no agreement can be reached through mediation, a court hearing will be scheduled.
Provides a central location where the public and attorneys can obtain forms and basic information necessary to pursue their domestic relations cases (including divorce). Individuals unfamiliar with the Court’s procedures may pick up packages of the documents needed for certain types of cases (including forms for those who need to modify their custody agreement). Computers are also available for completing some forms and calculating child support guideline worksheets. Does not provide legal advice. Cannot help individuals prepare paperwork, but can let people know in advance of their court appearance what is needed and what to expect when they come to court.


Certificates/Forms Assistance
Legal Information Services
Divorce/Custody/Support Issues
Divorce Assistance
Provides a fatherhood program for fathers and father figures. Programming covers topics such as co-parenting, communication, men's health, children's growth, and the importance of fatherhood. Additionally, all participants work with a case manager to address individual needs such as child support navigation, parenting time/custody navigation, basic needs, and other goals. Employment coordinators are available to assist with job readiness, resume creation, and referrals for employment. Job/Interview ready clothing may be provided, if needed. Gift card incentives are provided for participation.


Prejob Guidance
Divorce/Custody/Support Issues
Case/Care Management
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Issues