Mediation Services - Divorce / Visitation | Cleveland Mediation Center
Provides confidential mediation for couples who wish to separate or divorce, or who already separated and divorced and who are trying to work out custody or visitation issues. Mediators do not make a decision for clients, but rather help parties to communicate and come up with a resolution that is mutually agreeable.
Data provided by
211 Cleveland
Physical Address
4515 Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103
By appointment, M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm (sessions are two hours long).
Application process
Phone for an appointment. Initial appointment is scheduled staff who will review the case and, if deemed appropriate for mediation, a second appointment with a mediator will be arranged.
Fixed fee.
Residents of Cuyahoga County
Service area
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Agency info
Cleveland Mediation Center
Provides various services to promote conflict resolution within the community focusing on mediation services for landlord-tenant, neighbor-to-neighbor, community, organizational and family issues. Offers mediation and conflict resolution training.