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Provides information, support groups, education programs, respite activities, workshops, and advocacy for olders adults who care for the minor children of adult relatives. Coordinates a network of providers who serve kinship caregivers and their families. Offers programming for kinship children and teens including a summer camp and other opportunities throughout the year.
Provides information, support groups, education programs, respite activities, workshops, and advocacy for olders adults who care for the minor children of adult relatives. Coordinates a network of providers who serve kinship caregivers and their families. Offers programming for kinship children and teens including a summer camp and other opportunities throughout the year.
Specialized Information and Referral
Kinship Caregivers
Provides crisis intervention, child abuse prevention, and general information on parenting and child development, safety planning, information, resources and referrals to internal and external programs.
Provides crisis intervention, child abuse prevention, and general information on parenting and child development, safety planning, information, resources and referrals to internal and external programs.
Parenting Helplines
Child Abuse Hotlines
Kinship Caregivers
Offers a flexible and responsive kinship and adoption navigator program designed to assist children, caregivers, and families statewide. Helps kinship and adoptive families navigate and connect with all of the resources, supports, and services available to them locally and statewide.
Offers a flexible and responsive kinship and adoption navigator program designed to assist children, caregivers, and families statewide. Helps kinship and adoptive families navigate and connect with all of the resources, supports, and services available to them locally and statewide.
Case/Care Management
Kinship Navigator Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Kinship Caregivers
Assist kinship caregivers and their children by making referrals, assisting with forms and accompanying caregivers to community resources as needed.
Assist kinship caregivers and their children by making referrals, assisting with forms and accompanying caregivers to community resources as needed.
Kinship Care
Kinship Caregivers
Kinship Care Subsidy Programs
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Children in Kinship Care
Offers a variety of services to caregivers. Services are designed to fill gaps in current community services. Included are reimbursement for limited and temporary respite, counseling, caregiver training to assist in the areas of health, nutrition, financial literacy, and in making decisions and solving problems related to care giving roles. Support groups, information about services available to unpaid caregivers, and individual training for caregivers in the home are also offered.
Offers a variety of services to caregivers. Services are designed to fill gaps in current community services. Included are reimbursement for limited and temporary respite, counseling, caregiver training to assist in the areas of health, nutrition, financial literacy, and in making decisions and solving problems related to care giving roles. Support groups, information about services available to unpaid caregivers, and individual training for caregivers in the home are also offered.
Caregiver Issues
Specialized Information and Referral
Caregiver Training
Kinship Caregivers
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Service Cost Payment Assistance
Respite Care Subsidies
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible individuals.
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible individuals.
Nutrition Education
Formula/Baby Food
Food Vouchers
Pregnant Individuals
Kinship Caregivers
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Provides cash payments to children in the legal custody of Kinship, and provides full time caregivers raising a child or chidren other than their own with assistance in accessing services with the community.
Provides cash payments to children in the legal custody of Kinship, and provides full time caregivers raising a child or chidren other than their own with assistance in accessing services with the community.
Kinship Care Subsidy Programs
Kinship Caregivers
Kinship Care
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer, also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program) - these are available while supplies last. Also offers child car safety seats at a reduced price to those who are eligible for this program. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer, also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program) - these are available while supplies last. Also offers child car safety seats at a reduced price to those who are eligible for this program. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Kinship Caregivers
Food Vouchers
Child Passenger Safety Seats
Pregnant Individuals
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Nutrition Education
Nutrition Issues
Offers Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) classes and online streamed classes for grandparents and other kinship caregivers. Attendance or participating in classes at Cornerstone or at a community support program allows participants to earn "Baby Bucks" which can be used towards the purchase of diapers, formula, and other baby items.
Offers Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) classes and online streamed classes for grandparents and other kinship caregivers. Attendance or participating in classes at Cornerstone or at a community support program allows participants to earn "Baby Bucks" which can be used towards the purchase of diapers, formula, and other baby items.
Kinship Caregivers
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Food Vouchers
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Nutrition Issues
Pregnant Individuals
Kinship Caregivers
Nutrition Education
Provides supplemental food vouchers ("nutrition cards," similar to EBT or debit cards), nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program). These are available while supplies last.
Provides supplemental food vouchers ("nutrition cards," similar to EBT or debit cards), nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program). These are available while supplies last.
Nutrition Education
Food Vouchers
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Health Issues
Pregnant Individuals
Kinship Caregivers
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Provides Kinship Caregivers and the children in their care who are eligible to receive OWF, a monthly cash assistance program.
Provides Kinship Caregivers and the children in their care who are eligible to receive OWF, a monthly cash assistance program.
Kinship Caregivers
Provides assistance with short term basic needs to eligible families. Service may include help with rent payments, utility payments, gift cards for food, and other specific needs that would help families bridge periods of financial instability, allowing them to focus on creating a stable, permanent home for the children in their custody.
Provides assistance with short term basic needs to eligible families. Service may include help with rent payments, utility payments, gift cards for food, and other specific needs that would help families bridge periods of financial instability, allowing them to focus on creating a stable, permanent home for the children in their custody.
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Former Foster Children
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Kinship Caregivers
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Adoptive Parents
Foster Parents
Food Vouchers
Offers one-on-one assistance to help individuals determine which private, public, state and local benefits they may be eligible to receive. Includes benefits such as Medicaid, Medicare Part-D, SSI, SSD, food assistance through SNAP (food stamps), HEAP, Golden Buckeye/Ohio's Best Rx Card, Homestead Exemption, prescription assistance programs, housing and many others. After completing the survey, individuals will be given a list of services for which they may be eligible. Benefits counselors will follow-up with the client and provide applications if needed.
Offers one-on-one assistance to help individuals determine which private, public, state and local benefits they may be eligible to receive. Includes benefits such as Medicaid, Medicare Part-D, SSI, SSD, food assistance through SNAP (food stamps), HEAP, Golden Buckeye/Ohio's Best Rx Card, Homestead Exemption, prescription assistance programs, housing and many others. After completing the survey, individuals will be given a list of services for which they may be eligible. Benefits counselors will follow-up with the client and provide applications if needed.
Physical Disabilities
Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities
Benefits and Services Assistance
Kinship Caregivers
Benefits Screening
Privides Kinship caregivers and the children in their care OWF, a monthly cash assistance program. There are two types of assistance. The first type of assistance is provided for the child only. Child-Only benefits can be received regardless of the caregivers’ income. Child-Only benefits consist of monetary assistance, and a medical card/insurance. The second type of assistance is provided on behalf of the caregiver(s) and the child(ren). The assistance can include monetary assistance, as well as food stamps, and a medical card/insurance. This type of assistance is dependent upon the caregiver(s)’ income.
Privides Kinship caregivers and the children in their care OWF, a monthly cash assistance program. There are two types of assistance. The first type of assistance is provided for the child only. Child-Only benefits can be received regardless of the caregivers’ income. Child-Only benefits consist of monetary assistance, and a medical card/insurance. The second type of assistance is provided on behalf of the caregiver(s) and the child(ren). The assistance can include monetary assistance, as well as food stamps, and a medical card/insurance. This type of assistance is dependent upon the caregiver(s)’ income.
Kinship Caregivers
Assists grandparents, relatives, and non-related caregivers provide stable homes to children who are not their own. Provides placement approval, coordination of services, general information, and referrals for legal, child care, and financial needs.
Assists grandparents, relatives, and non-related caregivers provide stable homes to children who are not their own. Provides placement approval, coordination of services, general information, and referrals for legal, child care, and financial needs.
Benefits Screening
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Kinship Caregivers
Offers a variety of services to caregivers. Included are assessments, training, information/assistance, supplemental services, respite and answers/counseling. Services are also available for grandparent caregivers raising grandchildren.
Offers a variety of services to caregivers. Included are assessments, training, information/assistance, supplemental services, respite and answers/counseling. Services are also available for grandparent caregivers raising grandchildren.
Kinship Caregivers
Specialized Information and Referral
Caregiver Training
Caregiver Issues
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer, also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program) - these are available while supplies last. Also offers child car safety seats at a reduced price to those who are eligible for this program. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer, also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program) - these are available while supplies last. Also offers child car safety seats at a reduced price to those who are eligible for this program. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Kinship Caregivers
Food Vouchers
Child Passenger Safety Seats
Pregnant Individuals
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Nutrition Education
Nutrition Issues