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Offers a Single Father Mentoring Program for men who are involved in the case plan of the local children's protective services organization. Participants report to a mentor at least twice a week to get help focusing on their goals and documenting their process. Mentors utilize a collective case management approach by working with faith based, government and social services agencies that are involved in the clients' support system.
Offers a Single Father Mentoring Program for men who are involved in the case plan of the local children's protective services organization. Participants report to a mentor at least twice a week to get help focusing on their goals and documenting their process. Mentors utilize a collective case management approach by working with faith based, government and social services agencies that are involved in the clients' support system.
Provides a job training program for fathers as well as for reentry population with case management, job placement, supportive services, retention support and advancement opportunities. Focus is to increase the skill level of participants so they may get and keep permanent employment. Program focuses on job readiness training, interviewing and workplace skills, job search, job matching, job placement and follow-up after placement career pathway opportunity, as well as life management assistance, parenting education, GED instruction, computer training and improving literacy skills. Program also provides legal assistance to participating clients in good standing, if legal issues are among barriers to employment.
Provides a job training program for fathers as well as for reentry population with case management, job placement, supportive services, retention support and advancement opportunities. Focus is to increase the skill level of participants so they may get and keep permanent employment. Program focuses on job readiness training, interviewing and workplace skills, job search, job matching, job placement and follow-up after placement career pathway opportunity, as well as life management assistance, parenting education, GED instruction, computer training and improving literacy skills. Program also provides legal assistance to participating clients in good standing, if legal issues are among barriers to employment.
Prejob Guidance
Job Training Formats
Offers a 10- week curriculum focused on life-changing strategies that specifically engage men to be more responsible and
nurturing fathers. This is done by offering interactive circles of support designed to build parenting skills, with education on why and how they can make an indelible positive impact on their children. This initiative also assists fathers by providing direct assistance with child support challenges, the establishment of custody and/or visitation and driver’s license reinstatement.
Offers a 10- week curriculum focused on life-changing strategies that specifically engage men to be more responsible and
nurturing fathers. This is done by offering interactive circles of support designed to build parenting skills, with education on why and how they can make an indelible positive impact on their children. This initiative also assists fathers by providing direct assistance with child support challenges, the establishment of custody and/or visitation and driver’s license reinstatement.
Parenting Skills Classes
Offers a 13 hour curriculum to help fathers develop skills and attitudes that will empower them to be positive parents and role models. Format is facilitator led instruction and group discussion. Focus of curriculum is on positive parenting skills, co-parenting strategies, and effective communication techniques. Program offers direct case management in partnership with community agencies to help fathers navigate and overcome barriers, including child support challenges, visitation and custody issues, workforce entry and driver's license reinstatement.
Offers a 13 hour curriculum to help fathers develop skills and attitudes that will empower them to be positive parents and role models. Format is facilitator led instruction and group discussion. Focus of curriculum is on positive parenting skills, co-parenting strategies, and effective communication techniques. Program offers direct case management in partnership with community agencies to help fathers navigate and overcome barriers, including child support challenges, visitation and custody issues, workforce entry and driver's license reinstatement.
Parenting Skills Classes
Educates fathers about the process of navigating the Family court system to receive visitation/custody of their biological children.
Educates fathers about the process of navigating the Family court system to receive visitation/custody of their biological children.
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Food Vouchers
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Nutrition Issues
Pregnant Individuals
Kinship Caregivers
Nutrition Education
Offers an 6-week training program for fathers on topics such as parenting skills, job skills and criminal record expungement. Training materials include "Troy's Story", "24/7 Dads", and "On My Shoulders". Topics each week include:
- Week 1: "Promoting Punctuality & Responsibility (Setting Goals)".
- Week 2: "Effective Communication Love & Relationships".
- Week 3: "The Role of the Father (Put First Things First)".
- Week 4: "How to Apply for a Job".
- Week 5: "Handling and Expressing Emotion (Listen First, Talk Second)".
- Week 6: "Father's Dealing with Infant Mortality and Dealing with Pains from the Past".
Offers an 6-week training program for fathers on topics such as parenting skills, job skills and criminal record expungement. Training materials include "Troy's Story", "24/7 Dads", and "On My Shoulders". Topics each week include:
- Week 1: "Promoting Punctuality & Responsibility (Setting Goals)".
- Week 2: "Effective Communication Love & Relationships".
- Week 3: "The Role of the Father (Put First Things First)".
- Week 4: "How to Apply for a Job".
- Week 5: "Handling and Expressing Emotion (Listen First, Talk Second)".
- Week 6: "Father's Dealing with Infant Mortality and Dealing with Pains from the Past".
New Dad Parenting Programs
Prejob Guidance
Legal Information Services
Parenting Skills Classes
Men's Advocacy Groups
Provides supplemental food vouchers ("nutrition cards," similar to EBT or debit cards), nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program). These are available while supplies last.
Provides supplemental food vouchers ("nutrition cards," similar to EBT or debit cards), nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program). These are available while supplies last.
Nutrition Education
Food Vouchers
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Health Issues
Pregnant Individuals
Kinship Caregivers
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Offers Fatherhood Project Program which supports fathers through parenting classes, co-parenting and individual coaching, and group support meetings. Additional services include legal, employment, and housing assistance.
Offers Fatherhood Project Program which supports fathers through parenting classes, co-parenting and individual coaching, and group support meetings. Additional services include legal, employment, and housing assistance.
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
- Provides clinical consultations, screenings and coaching sessions to new fathers who need mental health and parenting support during the first 12 months of parenthood.
- Complete 2-5 Fathers Feelings sessions in person or virtually and receive a $25.00 gift card after their second session.
- Complete all 5 sessions, and TANF eligible dads receive an additional $400.00 of baby items sent directly to their home.
- Provides clinical consultations, screenings and coaching sessions to new fathers who need mental health and parenting support during the first 12 months of parenthood.
- Complete 2-5 Fathers Feelings sessions in person or virtually and receive a $25.00 gift card after their second session.
- Complete all 5 sessions, and TANF eligible dads receive an additional $400.00 of baby items sent directly to their home.
New Dad Parenting Programs
Depression Screening
Provides navigation of issues related to child support, custody/visitation, legal issues, employment, and accessing community resources.
Provides navigation of issues related to child support, custody/visitation, legal issues, employment, and accessing community resources.
Child Custody/Support Related Support Groups
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Job Finding Assistance
Case/Care Management
General Legal Aid
Maintains information about community resources that are appropriate for fathers. Provides information and referrals to community agencies and organizations that offer specialized services related to fathers.
Maintains information about community resources that are appropriate for fathers. Provides information and referrals to community agencies and organizations that offer specialized services related to fathers.
Specialized Information and Referral
Teaches skills that enable fathers to deal constructively and consistently with a broad spectrum of child rearing problems. Provides an opportunity to discuss parenting issues. Assists fathers with child support, modifications, visitation rights, shared parenting, communication skills and driver's license reinstatement.
Teaches skills that enable fathers to deal constructively and consistently with a broad spectrum of child rearing problems. Provides an opportunity to discuss parenting issues. Assists fathers with child support, modifications, visitation rights, shared parenting, communication skills and driver's license reinstatement.
New Dad Parenting Programs
Parenting Skills Classes
Driver License Retention/Reinstatement Assistance
Provides a fatherhood program for fathers and father figures. Programming covers topics such as co-parenting, communication, men's health, children's growth, and the importance of fatherhood. Additionally, all participants work with a case manager to address individual needs such as child support navigation, parenting time/custody navigation, basic needs, and other goals. Employment coordinators are available to assist with job readiness, resume creation, and referrals for employment. Job/Interview ready clothing may be provided, if needed. Gift card incentives are provided for participation.
Provides a fatherhood program for fathers and father figures. Programming covers topics such as co-parenting, communication, men's health, children's growth, and the importance of fatherhood. Additionally, all participants work with a case manager to address individual needs such as child support navigation, parenting time/custody navigation, basic needs, and other goals. Employment coordinators are available to assist with job readiness, resume creation, and referrals for employment. Job/Interview ready clothing may be provided, if needed. Gift card incentives are provided for participation.
Prejob Guidance
Divorce/Custody/Support Issues
Case/Care Management
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Issues
Offers services in the areas of education advocacy, the promotion of economic empowerment, voter education, reentry. Registration and support for/to “get out the vote” and anti-discrimination advocacy. These services are offered in partnership with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Partners with clients to file complaints with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in the United States Department of Education.
Offers services in the areas of education advocacy, the promotion of economic empowerment, voter education, reentry. Registration and support for/to “get out the vote” and anti-discrimination advocacy. These services are offered in partnership with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Partners with clients to file complaints with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in the United States Department of Education.
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Cultural/Racial Issues
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Civil Rights Issues
Older Adults
Education Advocacy Groups
Provides educational opportunities for fathers who want to understand their rights and obligations with respect to child custody, child support, visitation arrangements and other laws which address the upbringing and care of children. Actively assists with the paper work necessary to get the process started. Help fathers with license reinstatement, indigency forms, child support issues, putative registration that will allow a birth father to receive written notice of a proposed placement. Attends meetings with court administrators and officials to determine the best practices in place that serve dads.
Provides educational opportunities for fathers who want to understand their rights and obligations with respect to child custody, child support, visitation arrangements and other laws which address the upbringing and care of children. Actively assists with the paper work necessary to get the process started. Help fathers with license reinstatement, indigency forms, child support issues, putative registration that will allow a birth father to receive written notice of a proposed placement. Attends meetings with court administrators and officials to determine the best practices in place that serve dads.
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Parent Rights Classes
Health awareness and prevention. Provide educational workshops, fatherhood training, employment training, and health screenings.
Health awareness and prevention. Provide educational workshops, fatherhood training, employment training, and health screenings.
Community Wellness Programs
Mentoring Programs
Offers daily workforce development workshops. Includes topics on conflict management, conflict resolution, resume creation, and so forth.
Offers daily workforce development workshops. Includes topics on conflict management, conflict resolution, resume creation, and so forth.
Pregnant Individuals
Job Finding Assistance
Young Adults
Job Training Formats
Career Awareness
Prejob Guidance
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer, also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program) - these are available while supplies last. Also offers child car safety seats at a reduced price to those who are eligible for this program. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Provides supplemental food vouchers, nutrition education, counseling, support and referral services to eligible women, children, fathers, and kinship caregivers. Nursing mothers are provided with information and education on breastfeeding. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding. During the summer, also provides a supplemental voucher to each client for fruits and vegetables from selected local growers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program) - these are available while supplies last. Also offers child car safety seats at a reduced price to those who are eligible for this program. Also offers speakers who discuss the program and the value of good nutrition and breastfeeding.
Kinship Caregivers
Food Vouchers
Child Passenger Safety Seats
Pregnant Individuals
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Nutrition Education
Nutrition Issues
Offers free fatherhood classes and supportive services, in collaboration with the Summit County Fatherhood Initiative. Session topics include:
- Become The Best Dad You Can Be.
- Importance of Fathers.
- Guest Speaker Lisa Dolan, Child Support Enforcement Agency: Visitation, Custody, Rights, Possible Driver's License Reinstatement.
- Job Search.
- Thinking Two Years Forward.
- Guest Speaker Tony Agnesi, Best Selling Author, Radio Host, Motivational Speaker.
- How Will You Be Remembered
- Improving Relationships.
- Controlling Your Emotions.
Offers free fatherhood classes and supportive services, in collaboration with the Summit County Fatherhood Initiative. Session topics include:
- Become The Best Dad You Can Be.
- Importance of Fathers.
- Guest Speaker Lisa Dolan, Child Support Enforcement Agency: Visitation, Custody, Rights, Possible Driver's License Reinstatement.
- Job Search.
- Thinking Two Years Forward.
- Guest Speaker Tony Agnesi, Best Selling Author, Radio Host, Motivational Speaker.
- How Will You Be Remembered
- Improving Relationships.
- Controlling Your Emotions.
Parenting Skills Classes
Teaches skills that enable fathers to deal constructively and consistently with a broad spectrum of child rearing problems. Provides educational classes for new dads, called Daddy Boot Camp.
Teaches skills that enable fathers to deal constructively and consistently with a broad spectrum of child rearing problems. Provides educational classes for new dads, called Daddy Boot Camp.
Parenting Skills Classes
New Dad Parenting Programs
Provides a program that is taught by dads for dads. The 12-hour curriculum focuses on topics that include the important role that fathers play in their child's life, establishing parental bonds, positive discipline, working with mom and co-parenting. Light meal and refreshments provided. Families who complete the 6 sessions will receive a 1-year membership to the ECRC's Inspiration Station and a $10 gift card.
Provides a program that is taught by dads for dads. The 12-hour curriculum focuses on topics that include the important role that fathers play in their child's life, establishing parental bonds, positive discipline, working with mom and co-parenting. Light meal and refreshments provided. Families who complete the 6 sessions will receive a 1-year membership to the ECRC's Inspiration Station and a $10 gift card.
Child Development Classes
Parenting Skills Classes
- Provides clinical consultations, screenings and coaching sessions to new fathers who need mental health and parenting support during the first 12 months of parenthood.
- Complete 2-5 Fathers Feelings sessions in person or virtually and receive a $25 gift card after their second session.
- Complete all 5 sessions, and TANF eligible dads receive an additional $400 of baby items sent directly to their home.
- Provides clinical consultations, screenings and coaching sessions to new fathers who need mental health and parenting support during the first 12 months of parenthood.
- Complete 2-5 Fathers Feelings sessions in person or virtually and receive a $25 gift card after their second session.
- Complete all 5 sessions, and TANF eligible dads receive an additional $400 of baby items sent directly to their home.
Depression Screening
New Dad Parenting Programs
Provides job readiness skills development for fathers including guidance in preparing a resume, writing job application letters, completing job application questionnaires, responding to job ads, and taking employment tests. Offer tips regarding job search techniques, interview techniques, appropriate dress, personal appearance and interview techniques and other similar topics.
Provides job readiness skills development for fathers including guidance in preparing a resume, writing job application letters, completing job application questionnaires, responding to job ads, and taking employment tests. Offer tips regarding job search techniques, interview techniques, appropriate dress, personal appearance and interview techniques and other similar topics.
Prejob Guidance
Provides a program that is taught by dads for dads. The 12-hour curriculum focuses on topics that include the important role that fathers play in their child's life, establishing parental bonds, positive discipline, working with mom and co-parenting. Light meal and refreshments provided. Families who complete the 6 sessions will receive a 1-year membership to the ECRC's Inspiration Station and a $10 gift card.
Provides a program that is taught by dads for dads. The 12-hour curriculum focuses on topics that include the important role that fathers play in their child's life, establishing parental bonds, positive discipline, working with mom and co-parenting. Light meal and refreshments provided. Families who complete the 6 sessions will receive a 1-year membership to the ECRC's Inspiration Station and a $10 gift card.
Child Development Classes
Parenting Skills Classes