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Trains, resources, and serves adults who work with adolescents in Catholic parishes. Includes consultation, assessment of parish resources and priorities, and presentation of conferences on relevant subjects. All work is done in light of the Catholic church's mission.
Trains, resources, and serves adults who work with adolescents in Catholic parishes. Includes consultation, assessment of parish resources and priorities, and presentation of conferences on relevant subjects. All work is done in light of the Catholic church's mission.
Staff Development Services
Service Planning and Delivery Assistance
Catholic Community
Provides information on social justice issues that may be coming before legislators at the state and federal levels. Lobbies legislators on these issues. Makes presentations on the Catholic church's social justice teachings, their implications for today, and how to take action.
Provides information on social justice issues that may be coming before legislators at the state and federal levels. Lobbies legislators on these issues. Makes presentations on the Catholic church's social justice teachings, their implications for today, and how to take action.
Political Action/Lobbying Groups
Community Organizing Assistance
Catholic Community
Provides mutual support groups for bereaved individuals at several Catholic cemeteries throughout the area. Participants have an opportunity to share their experiences.
Provides mutual support groups for bereaved individuals at several Catholic cemeteries throughout the area. Participants have an opportunity to share their experiences.
Catholic Community
General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups
Provides marriage preparation, marriage support, parenting, family ministry, natural family planning, ministry to divorced and separated Catholics, family violence, older adult ministry, and bereavement. Trains mentoring couples in marriage preparation and teachers of natural family planning. Conducts marriage education workshops for clergy and volunteers. Sponsors bereavement support groups. Makes available literature to assist separated and divorced Catholics, those concerned with domestic/family violence, and the bereaved. Facilitates professional referrals for these populations.
Provides marriage preparation, marriage support, parenting, family ministry, natural family planning, ministry to divorced and separated Catholics, family violence, older adult ministry, and bereavement. Trains mentoring couples in marriage preparation and teachers of natural family planning. Conducts marriage education workshops for clergy and volunteers. Sponsors bereavement support groups. Makes available literature to assist separated and divorced Catholics, those concerned with domestic/family violence, and the bereaved. Facilitates professional referrals for these populations.
Catholic Community
Relationship Workshops
General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups
Separation/Divorce Support Groups
Birth Control
Printed/Printable Materials
Specialized Information and Referral