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The Foundation encourages charitable tax-exempt organizations serving Richland County residents to apply for a competitive grant to provide programs and services that fulfill the current needs of the community (Competitive Grant Program). We provide scholarships for local students to attend college or a career technical education center. We award grants to nonprofit agencies that wish to develop creative, educational and fun-filled activities for Richland County children throughout the summer months (Summertime Kids Program). We award grants to Richland County teachers to develop creative and interesting new programs, projects or events for the K-12 classrooms of Richland County (Teacher Assistance Program - TAP). Provide funding to programs and projects in the Richland County area, which empower women to reach their full potential (Women's Fund). For additional grant opportunities contact the Foundation.
The Foundation encourages charitable tax-exempt organizations serving Richland County residents to apply for a competitive grant to provide programs and services that fulfill the current needs of the community (Competitive Grant Program). We provide scholarships for local students to attend college or a career technical education center. We award grants to nonprofit agencies that wish to develop creative, educational and fun-filled activities for Richland County children throughout the summer months (Summertime Kids Program). We award grants to Richland County teachers to develop creative and interesting new programs, projects or events for the K-12 classrooms of Richland County (Teacher Assistance Program - TAP). Provide funding to programs and projects in the Richland County area, which empower women to reach their full potential (Women's Fund). For additional grant opportunities contact the Foundation.
Community Foundations
Educational Grants
Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations
Fosters the development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.
Fosters the development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.
Financial/Fundraising Ethics
Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations
Assists donors with assessing and determining the type of fund they wish to create. Donor determines the name of the fund, the charitable organization(s) to recieve the distributions, and scholarship and eligibility criteria, if appropriate. Changes may be made to the fund during the donor's lifetime.
Assists donors with assessing and determining the type of fund they wish to create. Donor determines the name of the fund, the charitable organization(s) to recieve the distributions, and scholarship and eligibility criteria, if appropriate. Changes may be made to the fund during the donor's lifetime.
Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations
Community Foundations
Assists donors in creating funds to meet emerging community needs and distribute proceeds in accordance with the donor's intent.
Assists donors in creating funds to meet emerging community needs and distribute proceeds in accordance with the donor's intent.
Community Foundations
Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations
Awards competitive grants each year to nonprofits and other qualifying organizations, including Community Grants, Teacher Mini-Grants, IMPACT Youth Grants, and Women's Fund Grants.
Awards competitive scholarships and educational loans to traditional and non-traditional students each year, including Scholarship Funds, Women's Fund Scholarship Award, and Educational Loans.
Awards competitive grants each year to nonprofits and other qualifying organizations, including Community Grants, Teacher Mini-Grants, IMPACT Youth Grants, and Women's Fund Grants.
Awards competitive scholarships and educational loans to traditional and non-traditional students each year, including Scholarship Funds, Women's Fund Scholarship Award, and Educational Loans.
Nonprofit/Philanthropic Associations
Community Foundations