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Offers library assistant volunteer opportunities.
Offers library assistant volunteer opportunities.
Library Assistant Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities include: Gardening, shelf organizing, making phone calls, cleaning, help with various programs.
Volunteer opportunities include: Gardening, shelf organizing, making phone calls, cleaning, help with various programs.
Library Assistant Volunteer Opportunities
LIbrary assistant volunteer opportunities are available.
LIbrary assistant volunteer opportunities are available.
Library Assistant Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities are available, including court-ordered community service hours.
Volunteer opportunities are available, including court-ordered community service hours.
Library Assistant Volunteer Opportunities
The library’s volunteer program is designed to expand and enhance public service to the community. Volunteers generally provide support services to paid staff and/or work on special projects. Volunteers learn more about the library and its place in the community and observe firsthand the way the library serves the community’s needs.
A person who would like to volunteer at the library must complete a volunteer application. If volunteer opportunities exist, the director, or his or her designee, will review the application, interview appropriate candidates, assign tasks, establish a schedule, and train and supervise the volunteer.
Where possible, in appropriate circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the library, the library may choose to assist the local courts and other social service agencies by providing community service and /or library work experience for individuals.
The library’s volunteer program is designed to expand and enhance public service to the community. Volunteers generally provide support services to paid staff and/or work on special projects. Volunteers learn more about the library and its place in the community and observe firsthand the way the library serves the community’s needs.
A person who would like to volunteer at the library must complete a volunteer application. If volunteer opportunities exist, the director, or his or her designee, will review the application, interview appropriate candidates, assign tasks, establish a schedule, and train and supervise the volunteer.
Where possible, in appropriate circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the library, the library may choose to assist the local courts and other social service agencies by providing community service and /or library work experience for individuals.
Library Assistant Volunteer Opportunities
County operated facility used for the secure detention of people who have been charged with violating a state law or a municipal or local ordinance, up to and during the course of their trial, and which provide for the confinement, treatment, employment, training and discipline of people who have been convicted of a crime and sentenced by the courts to serve up to one year of imprisonment.
County operated facility used for the secure detention of people who have been charged with violating a state law or a municipal or local ordinance, up to and during the course of their trial, and which provide for the confinement, treatment, employment, training and discipline of people who have been convicted of a crime and sentenced by the courts to serve up to one year of imprisonment.
Library Assistant Volunteer Opportunities
County Correctional Facilities
Volunteer Opportunities