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Project Woman offers transitional and other supportive housing solutions for survivors of domestic or intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Goal attainment plans wrap intensive supports including housing advocacy, case management, empowerment education and clinical supports. Housing is based on availability and eligibility.
Project Woman offers transitional and other supportive housing solutions for survivors of domestic or intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Goal attainment plans wrap intensive supports including housing advocacy, case management, empowerment education and clinical supports. Housing is based on availability and eligibility.
Volunteer Opportunities
Painting/Wallpapering Volunteer Opportunities
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Child Care Volunteer Opportunities
Snow Clearance Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities include:
- Fundraising and assistance with promotional materials such as pamphlet design.
- Maintenance-painting and cleaning.
- Seasonal outdoor work-clean up and landscaping.
Volunteer opportunities include:
- Fundraising and assistance with promotional materials such as pamphlet design.
- Maintenance-painting and cleaning.
- Seasonal outdoor work-clean up and landscaping.
Painting/Wallpapering Volunteer Opportunities
Yard Maintenance Volunteer Opportunities
Fundraising Volunteer Opportunities