696-kids / 24-hour Kids Hotline | Cuyahoga County Department Of Children And Family Services

Maintains a hotline on which licensed social workers receive reports of the abuse or neglect of children. Basic information is obtained, the need for immediate intervention is assessed, and an investigation process is begun on the case. Investigators assess the level of risk facing the child, and refer children and their families to those who can provide services which will reduce the risk. Removes children who are at serious risk of harm and cannot remain at home. After investigation, those who need continuing services will be transferred to the Direct Services Dept. which will assign a social worker to the case and work to help family resolve the issues behind the abuse or neglect. There is also an Independent Living Program for youth in the custody of CCCFS who are becoming emancipated or who are leaving long-term foster/institutional care. Unit can also provide approval of health care services for youth in custody who have been placed out of the county. Agency also maintains a unit to take complaints about its services. In addition, the hotline receives calls from parents or caregivers who are experiencing difficulties and/or beginning to lose control with a child, and who need someone to talk to. These callers can also be referred to appropriate counseling services.

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211 Cleveland

Physical Address

3955 Euclid Ave., Jane Edna Hunter Bldg., Cleveland, OH 44115


Hotline hours are 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Office hours are M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm, but services at other times are common. Health care unit hours are M-F: 8:00am-5:00pm. After hours, questions about health care for foster children should go to the hotline.


(216) 431-4500

voice | Main


(216) 432-5047

Application process

Phone to describe the situation. Caller can remain anonymous. Staff assesses the level of risk and begins an investigation if appropriate. If further services are necessary, case will be transferred to Direct Services and a caseworker will be assigned. In case of problems with the line, call 911 in an emergency or call back later if the situation is not an emergency. Also, in non-emergency situations, phone customer service to report problems with the hotline. Those calling to complain speak with agency staff whose job it is to administer the complaint process and should get an answer to their complaint within 24 hours.




No restrictions on those who report abuse or neglect. Abuse can include physical, sexual, drug-exposure, or other. Some professionals such as doctors and teachers are mandated reporters. Children thought to be abused or neglected must reside in Cuyahoga County; they can be age 0-18, but eligibility of those who are age 18 is largely limited to those who are handicapped, and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Service area

United States

Agency info

Cuyahoga County Department Of Children And Family Services

Provides whatever services are required to protect and care for any child whose family cannot or does not provide them that care and protection.