Alzheimer's And Caregiver Respite | Ohio District 5 Area Agency On Aging

Enables family caregivers to be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities.

Data provided by

211 Mansfield OH

Physical Address

2131 Park Avenue West Suite 100, Ontario, OH 44906-1226


Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm


(419) 522-9482

Application process

Call and ask for the Consumer Assistance Unit.


No fees.


Caregivers of persons 60 and over who have a dementia related diagnosis.

Service area

Wyandot County, Ohio Seneca County, Ohio Knox County, Ohio Morrow County, Ohio Ashland County, Ohio Crawford County, Ohio Huron County, Ohio Marion County, Ohio Richland County, Ohio

Agency info

Ohio District 5 Area Agency On Aging

Provides a comprehensive, coordinated service system for older and disabled individuals in the nine county planning and service area ensuring availability of a variety of services in communities to help individuals secure and maintain maximum independence and dignity in a home environment.