Foa Families Of Addicts | Foa Families Of Addicts

Provides weekly support meetings for those effected by addiction creating a healthy environment for families and those suffering from addiction to help find a path to recovery through support, friendship, education & prevention offering experience, hope and understanding.

Data provided by

HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

6025 Miller Lane, Dayton, OH 45414


Current meeting in Dayton is every Wed. from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Please check our website for the other five site meetings.


(567) 362-5465

voice | Text Help and someone from FOA will get back with you


(937) 823-0639

voice | Anita Kitchen, Executive Director

Application process

No registration required.





Service area

Madison County, Ohio Montgomery County, Ohio Clark County, Ohio Champaign County, Ohio

Agency info

Foa Families Of Addicts

FOA MISSION: Embracing families, friends and individuals struggling with addiction in order to promote recovery, provide support encourage and advocacy. We hold weekly support meetings in Dayton, Middletown, Troy and Springfield where all family members, friends, and individuals in, or seeking long-term recovery are encouraged to attend (we are averaging 85 people a week in Dayton alone in 2017). In addition to weekly meetings, FOA participates in many community outreach activities and is a sought after and respected resource in the Miami Valley. FOA is unique because we provide support for the entire family and advocate for individuals to find their voice, which is key to eliminating the stigma associated with addiction.