Substance Use Disorder - Aftercare | Lake Geauga Recovery Centers

Provides support, counseling, and information for individuals early into their recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Helps develop the skills necessary to maintain sobriety and deal with the feelings associated with early recovery. Support and counseling are offered to family members of the individual in treatment. Can incorporate counseling for dual diagnosis.

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211 Cleveland

Physical Address

209 Center St., Unit E, Chardon, OH 44024


One session per week (lasts two - two and a half hours), generally for 6-8 weeks (longer if needed). Schedule varies.


(440) 942-6722

voice | Administrative


(440) 942-0639


(440) 285-9119

voice | Intake

Application process

Call for information or to make an appointment M-F: 7:00am-8:00pm. May also walk in to the Mentor location M, F: 8:00am-3:00pm and W: 8:00am-5:00pm. Walk-in hours for Painesville: Tu, Th: 9:00am-3:30pm.


Offers sliding scale for residents of Lake or Geauga Counties. Accepts Medicaid and private insurers (if they are willing to cover treatment).


Must have completed some sort of primary substance abuse program, although it need not have been with the Lake Geauga Center. Must be 18 or older.

Service area

United States

Agency info

Lake Geauga Recovery Centers

Provides counseling, treatment, prevention and other services for those whose lives are affected by their own or another person's use of alcohol or other drugs.