Crisis Management | Womensafe

Offers 24-hour support and crisis management to hospital patients who have experienced domestic violence. Advocates meet with patients to discuss options, safety planning, and community resources. Advocates can assist victims to arrange intake to the shelter directly from the hospital. Outreach counseling is also available to clients in a secure, confidential location. Advocates are available to offer 24 hr. suppport over the phone to anybody who is a survivor of domestic violence (COPEline takes information and transfers call to WomenSafe's advocate).

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

12041 Ravenna Rd., Munson Twp., OH 44024


24 hrs a day, 7 days a week


(888) 285-5665

voice | 24-hour crisis line (COPEline)


(440) 286-7154

voice | Administrative

Application process

Phone for service




Must be a victim of domestic violence.

Service area

United States

Agency info


Provides emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children. Offers information, intervention, counseling, support, advocacy, aftercare, and community education concerning domestic violence.