Champaign County Wraparound | Champaign County Family & Children First Council

The wraparound process is a way to improve the lives of children with complex needs and their families. It is not a program or a type of service, but a team based planning process used to develop plans of care that are individualized based on the strengths and culture of the children and their family. The plan is needs-driven rather than service-driven, although a plan may incorporate existing categorical services, if appropriate to meet the needs of the consumer. The initial plan should be a combination of existing or modified services, newly created services, informal supports, and community resources, and should include a plan for a step-down of formal services.

Data provided by

HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

2200 Highway 68, Door #1, Urbana, OH 43078


Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 4:00pm


(937) 652-2648


(937) 652-2648


(937) 653-4490

voice | Early Intervention Service Coordinator


(937) 653-4490

voice | Wraparound Coordinator

Application process

Parents, family serving agencies personnel, or school personnel can make referrals to Wraparound. Call 653-4490 Ext 222 Stephanie Newland- [email protected]


No cost to families. Supported by local agencies and organizations.


At-risk child age 0-21 already receiving services from county agencies or school or self-referral

Service area

Champaign County, Ohio

Agency info

Champaign County Family & Children First Council

The agency's mission is to work together by sharing, developing and utilizing resources that empower individuals and families to build upon their strengths and enhance their lives.