Benjamin Rose: We Care... Because You Do | Benjamin Rose

Offers support to caregivers by answering questions and recommending additional services. Helps caregivers understand their options, provides education to make difficult decisions and have challenging conversations. Able to host/mediate family conversations around care for older adults.

Data provided by

Lifeline Lake County 211

Physical Address

11890 Farhill Road, Cleveland, OH 44120


Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.


(216) 791-8000

voice | Administration


(216) 373-1814

Application process

Contact WeCare to connect with a WeCare Consultant. Intake email: [email protected] Service is conducted through email or phone; no in person appointments.




Must be caring for an older adult or and adult child with intellectual or developmental disabilities.


Interpretation services available upon request.

Service area

Medina County, Ohio Lake County, Ohio Cuyahoga County, Ohio Lorain County, Ohio Geauga County, Ohio

Agency info

Benjamin Rose

Offers support for aging individuals and those who care for them.