Cleveland Heights Landmark Commission | Cleveland Heights City Of - Department Of Planning And Development

Provides a 5-member commission of community residents who are appointed by the city council to receive nominations of properties in the city that are believed to be architecturally or historically significant to the community. Also co-sponsors a yearly lecture series on the architecture and history of the city.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

40 Severance Cir., Cleveland Hts., OH 44118


Commission meets the 1st T of the month at 5:30pm. Lectures are scheduled periodically throughout the year, usually on weeknight evenings.

Application process

Phone for commission and/or lecture information by leaving a message 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Staff will return calls. Lectures may require reservations. Call and leave a message as above. To nominate a property, call as above, or download form from the Internet and call for details on how to submit.




Potential commission members must have been residents for 5 years prior to appointment. Nominations for properties are accepted from commission members or from owners of properties being nominated. Lectures are open to anyone.

Service area

United States

Agency info

Cleveland Heights City Of - Department Of Planning And Development

Provides historic preservation, zoning, planning, economic and community development activities for the city.