Rapid Re-housing | Home For Families

Rapid Re-housing works directly with families to help them move from homelessness to stable housing and helping them to overcome challenges and barriers to become self-sufficient. Families in this program have been assigned to Home for Families through the centralized homeless system in Franklin County.

Data provided by

LSS 211 Central Ohio

Physical Address

727 East Main Street, Columbus, OH 43205


Mon-Thurs 8:30 am-5 pm. Friday 8:30 am-3 pm.


(614) 274-7000

voice | Homeless Hotline


(614) 641-9234

Application process

Referral from Central Ohio homeless system. Once referred a case manager will meet with the family and develop a plan of action. Families must be referred through Coordinated Entry process. Must be staying at YWCA Family Center or YMCA Van Buren shelters.




Homeless families with children who are assigned to Home for Families through the Central Ohio homeless system.

Service area

Franklin County, Ohio

Agency info

Home For Families

Provides housing assistance and educational services for families living in Columbus.