Community Integration | Marion County Board Of Developmental Disabilities

The Community Integration Team works hard to find opportunities to incorporate those we serve into our community. We are always looking for events, activities, and volunteer opportunities in the community so those we serve can work and play side-by-side with our community members. Integration is the key to building relationships with our friends and neighbors in the community. It helps those served learn to communicate, participate, follow instructions, as well as learn a variety of soft skills. This step often leads to Community Employment opportunities, friendships for those served, inclusion, and advocacy.

Data provided by

211 Pathways

Physical Address

2387 Harding Highway East, Marion, OH 43302


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.


(740) 387-1159

Application process

Call for information.




Marion County residents.

Service area

Marion County, Ohio

Agency info

Marion County Board Of Developmental Disabilities

Provides advocacy and resources for those in Marion County with a developmental disability.