Provides emergency shelter for families. Intake is through Coordinated Access.
Data provided by
UW 211 Greater Toledo
Physical Address
2283 Ashland Avenue, Toledo, OH 43604
Mon-Sun 24 hours
(419) 241-3384
No fees
Accepts single men with children and single women with children, married and unmarried couples with children (additional documentation may be required based of family situation) and single pregnant women. Must currently be located in Lucas County. Serves those who are CURRENTLY living in a place not meant for human habitation (such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings) and those who WILL BE living in a place not meant for human habitation due to one of the following circumstances: 1) a court-ordered eviction within 14 days; 2) discharge within 14 days from an institution (such as a mental health/substance abuse treatment facility or jail) in which they have lived for more than 30 consecutive days. Those who are already residing in emergency shelters or other transitional or supportive housing for homeless persons are considered homeless and are eligible for this service. The following ARE NOT eligible for shelter: Persons living with or able to live with relatives or friends ("doubled up") and do not have to leave; Persons living in or able to live in stable and/or habitable housing (regardless of rent/mortgage amount or state of disrepair where structure has not been condemned). Also accepts single pregnant women. Accepts a limited number of single women. Must be currently located in Lucas County. Serves those who are CURRENTLY living in a place not meant for human habitation (such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings) and those who WILL BE living in a place not meant for human habitation due to one of the following circumstances: 1) a court-ordered eviction within 7 days; 2) discharge within 7 days from an institution (such as a mental health/substance abuse treatment facility or jail) in which they have lived for more than 30 consecutive days. Those who are already residing in emergency shelters or other transitional or supportive housing for homeless persons are considered homeless and are eligible for this service. The following ARE NOT eligible for shelter: Persons living with or able to live with relatives or friends ("doubled up"); Persons living in or able to live in stable and/or habitable housing (regardless of rent/mortgage amount or state of disrepair where structure has not been condemned); Those staying or able to stay in motels (unless temporarily placed by Coordinated Access).
Interpretation services available
Agency info
Nonprofit organization that provides permanent supportive housing, assistance with SSI/SSDI applications, and a homeless shelter for families.