Children's Advocacy Center | Family And Child Abuse Prevention Center
Provides a wide range of programs for children who are victims of abuse or other acts of violence; services include the following: * forensic interviews at a child-friendly site where professionals conduct joint investigative interviews with child victims * crisis counseling and case management for victims and non-offending family members (available to children and families at all stages of the investigation and prosecution process); the program helps children and families cope and heal emotionally * animal-assisted therapy support for victims of violence * Provides practical information and support to the children and family about the investigation and court process * offers Safety Education which teaches young children about safe and unsafe touches and ways to seek help from trusted adults * offers on-site medical exams
Data provided by
UW 211 Greater Toledo
Physical Address
2460 Cherry Street, Toledo, OH 43608
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
(419) 292-2929
Birth through age 18 years, who are alleged victims of child sexual abuse or severe physical abuse, and their families
Assistance available on request
Service area
Lucas County, Ohio
Agency info
Family And Child Abuse Prevention Center
Provides child abuse prevention and counseling services.