Medicare Consumer Helpline | Medicare Rights Center
Offers a consumer helpline that provides direct assistance to older adults and people with disabilities as well as their friends, family and caregivers. In addition, we provide information and assistance to professionals serving people with Medicare. Trained helpline counselors respond to questions about available health plan options, rights and benefits, and can also help you get the care and medications you need. When appropriate, our staff represents clients who cannot secure the care or coverage they need on their own.
Data provided by
211 Pathways
Physical Address
266 West 37th Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10018
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
(212) 869-3532
Application process
Call the helpline at 800-333-4114.
Medicare recipients, or individuals applying for Medicare.
Service area
United States
Agency info
Medicare Rights Center
Assists consumers with Medicare get the health care and medications they need and make the most of their Medicare rights and options.