Provides community support program services and skill teaching for families who have had a child placed outside the home or who are at risk. Specialized services include: intensive in-home services, reunification (for children returning home), parent-teen conflict, and assistance for caregivers in accessing community services that would improve their chances for parenting success (job searching, parenting, household management, counseling, etc.)

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

521 S Shannon St., Van Wert, OH 45891


Office hours - Tuesday: 10:00am-2:00pm; other hours available by appointment.


(888) 241-9316

Application process

Referrals are through the county Department of Children and Family Services, but individuals may phone Tuesday: 10:00am-2:00pm or leave a message for information about getting into the program.


Sliding scale, if no insurance.


Serves Ohio families who have had children removed from the home. Also eligible are residents of Ohio who are parents with teens, age 13 and older, who are experiencing conflict that cannot be resolved without outside help.

Agency info


Provides foster care services and family preservation services.