Mediation And Parenting Plan Development And Parenting Coordination | Patchworks House
Provides a continuum of related services and are often interrelated. -Mediation Mediation is an alternate method of dispute resolution. PWH mediation is facilitated by a trained mediator and parties are guided to solve problems and reach agreements. The goal is that they create a self-determined, personalized agreement – one that they are comfortable with and feel a sense of ownership and commitment to. Our Mediation services focuses mainly on co-parenting issues. -Parenting Plan Development PWH works with parties to create a detailed Parenting Plan. Families may already have a plan that is part of a ivorce decree or other court action, or they may not have yet established any plan. Either way, PWH is able to work with families to establish a realistic working agreement, identify problem areas and/or create an agreed upon modification. PWH’s parenting plan development process is accomplished through a twopronged approach including both education and mediation skills. Plan development can result from the mediation, or ongoing case management processes; it can also be done as a stand-alone process. Parenting plan development through PWH addresses more than the normal court ordered components (residence, holidays, time-sharing, etc.). PWH starts with a worksheet/exploration of potential areas of disagreement (i.e., discipline & rules, first haircut, transportation, religious upbringing, extracurriculars, stepparent involvement, parent teacher conference attendance, etc. etc.) and from this creates a very individualized planning process for the family. The finished child-centered plan will outline the roles, responsibilities and parameters of co-parenting relationships. -Parenting Coordination Parenting Coordination is an advanced dispute resolution process where in high-conflict parties, by order of a court or official arrangement agree to work with a trained Parenting Coordinator. The PC assists parents in the implementation of and compliance with their parenting plan. They help resolve conflicts in a timely manner first by a mediation approach but when no agreement is reached, the PC has actual decision-making authority on some aspect of the case. The goal is to resolve issues in a timely manner, reduce litigation, protect children who may be at risk for harm due to exposure to ongoing conflict between parents. The process is designed to focus on the children’s needs; not on the parents' demands or dislike of one another. The process keeps children out of the middle and protects and sustains safe, healthy and meaningful parent-hild relationships
Data provided by
UW 211 Greater Toledo
Physical Address
42 Madison Street, Tiffin, OH 44883
By appointment.
(419) 448-0088
No fees
There are no specific eligibility requirements but there is a screening process for this service.
Service area
Seneca County, Ohio
Agency info
Patchworks House
Serves children and families who are experiencing trials and trauma including but not limited to:difficult divorces/separations, high conflict co-parenting, child abuse/maltreatment, domestic violence, children who witness violence & conflict, parents with untreated mental health and substance abuse, etc. All of these situations can affect healthy and safe parenting. Our services work to safeguard, stabilize and support children’s contact and interaction with parents & families.Services work to help develop safe, healthy, child-centered coparenting relationships. Services also work to protect and safeguard adults / parents who have been victimized and must co-parent with their offender.