Assists families who are behind in their rent or mortgage to remain in their homes and regain financial stability, as well as security deposit assistance for families in transition. Services vary based on the needs of the individual family, but can include mediation and rent/mortgage payment negotiation with landlord/lender, help accessing utility payment assistance programs, and financial counseling. Up to $1500 in assistance may be available. Support for school-aged children in the household may include access to low-cost computers (funding for computers is currently out). Will also assist with property tax payment to remain in their homes and regain financial stability.
Data provided by
211 Cleveland
Physical Address
2999 Payne Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114
Intake: M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm.
(216) 574-7130
(216) 803-6739
Fax | Energy Services Department
Application process
NOT ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS IN OCTOBER. The availability of this program changes often. You may check the website to see if it is currently available. Program accepts 50 new applications per month. If applications are closed for the month callers should check back at the beginning of the following month - applications open on the 1st Monday of each month at 8:00am. Applications can be obtained on the website - Under "Housing & Community Services" select "Avoid Foreclosure or Eviction" and on the page select the CHN's Eligibility Checker under Cuyahoga County Renters. Once the Eligibility Checker is completed and the caller hits "Check My Eligibility" the programs/services that the caller qualifies for will populate. Caller then will need to complete the application and follow instructions on how to submit the application. If the application does not populate then the agency has it the 50 application quota. Application can be submitted through the website along with the required documents. Documents can be returned via fax, mail, or can be dropped off in a secure document dropbox located on the 1st floor next to the building elevator. May also phone for instructions M-F: 8:30am-5:00pm. Clients can be provided with intake paperwork and instructions by mail or e-mail, and will be asked to return documentation by mail or e-mail. A housing counselor will be assigned to the case and will schedule a phone appointment to determine final eligibility, coordinate rental assistance payments with the caller and landlord, and connect the caller with other resources.
Cuyahoga County families with at least one child enrolled in K through 12th grade. No income guidelines but must have income or subsidies to ensure ongoing rent costs are affordable. Must have suffered a hardship (loss of regular income or unexpected major expense) within last 3 months. Unexpected major expenses include medical/dental bills and necessary unplanned repair or purchase of vehicle, stove, fridge, furnace, or water heater. Can obtain help if already evicted however but must have already found a new place to live to qualify for financial assistance. Traditionally this is a once in a lifetime program, however, if a client has a new emergency hardship and it has been over one year since last assisted, they may allow it. It's case by case.
Agency info
Works to provide affordable housing and homeownership options for low- and moderate-income families in economically viable neighborhoods. Offers low-income homeowners health- and safety-related home improvements. Provides training programs on a variety of topics.