Third Project Apartments / Wieder-silver Manor / Franklin Apartments | Emerald Development And Economic Network
Provides shared rental housing housing for mental health consumers. There are three separate properties: Third Project is for families, Wieder-Silver Manor is for roommates, and Franklin Apartments are single apartments.
Data provided by
211 Cleveland
Physical Address
7812 Madison Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102
M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm.
(216) 651-4066
Application process
There is a waiting list for this program and it is closed. If the waitlist opens, informstion can be found on the agency website. When the waiting list is open, eligible clients may send applications directly to the organization, but are encouraged to apply through their mental health agencies. Qualified applicants will be placed on a waiting list (typically 1-2 years).
Rent and utilities are 30% of income.
Ages 18 and over and diagnosed with a severe mental illness.
Service area
United States
Agency info
Emerald Development And Economic Network
Provides, operates and advocates for safe, decent, affordable housing and support services for persons living with disabilities or special needs who have low incomes and may be experiencing homelessness. Administers rental assistance funds for Continuum of Care Programs, Housing Assistance Program,HOPWA, Returning Home Ohio, Home for Good, Community Transition Program, Rapid Re-Housing and the Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher program. Purchases, renovates and leases agency-owned housing units. Owns and manages 11 Permanent Supportive Housing projects. Oversees rapid rehousing program.