Family Selected Service | Carroll County Board Of Developmental Disabilities

Assists families with the care of individuals with developmental disabilities who reside in the family home by providing limited funding for respite services, adaptive equipment and other expenses associated with meeting the needs of their family members with developmental disabilities. Items and services available include respite care, adaptive equipment, home modifications, special diets and other services such as individualized as counseling, sign language, books, classes, reimbursement for mileage to doctors, hospital, therapy visits, and more.

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

2167 Kensington Road Northeast, Carrollton, OH 44615


Same as site hours.


(800) 240-6733

voice | Emergency Contact Phone Number


(330) 627-6555

voice | Shannon Boone, Major Unusual Incident Department


(330) 627-6606

Application process

Call the office for more information.


Call for details.


Serves residents of Carroll County with developmental disabilities.



Service area

Carroll County, Ohio

Agency info

Carroll County Board Of Developmental Disabilities

Provides services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities throughout their lives.