Children's Choral Groups | Singing Angels - The

Provides a performing choral singing group of children that consists of both a performing chorus and a training chorus. The performing chorus offers musical programs to the public locally, nationally and internationally.

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211 Cleveland

Physical Address

3600 Biddulph Ave., Ste. A, Cleveland, OH 44109


Varies. Auditions are held twice each year and performances take place throughout the year.

Application process

Phone for detailed information about requirements and auditions M-Th: 10:00am-4:30pm. May also visit webpage.


There is an annual fees for chorus participants; some scholarships are available. Fixed admission fee for individuals attending performances; however, some community performances are free.


To audition: girls ages 6-14 and boys ages 6-16 who enjoy singing. Once accepted, may remain in the group through age 18. Formal musical training not required. Must be willing to commit to the extensive schedule of rehearsals and performances.

Service area

United States

Agency info

Singing Angels - The

Provides a performing choral singing group of children. The group offers musical programs to the public locally, nationally and internationally.