Provides to the public those resources, in a variety of formats, which serve the educational, informational, recreational, and cultural needs of the people. * Materials to borrow including books, magazines, videos, blu-ray videos, audio books, and music CDs. * Variety of reference books and electronic resources as well as local history and genealogy materials are available for use in the main library. * Provides access to the internet and word processing computers. * Provides access to document printing, copying, scanning and faxing. **Fees do apply for some services * Provides information and assistance by phone, online chat, or in person. * Offers programming to all ages on a variety of topics including story times, exhibits, home services, and special events. * A different film is shown to the public every Wednesday and Saturday. Call for times. * Also has applications for the Golden Buckeye card and voter registration.
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211 Mansfield OH
Physical Address
43 W Third Street, Mansfield, OH 44902-1219
Mon-Thu 9 am-8 pm Fri and Sat 9 am-5 pm Sun 1 pm-5 pm
(419) 521-3129
Fax | Admin Office Fax
Application process
Apply in person or online for a library card. Catalog of library materials available 24/7 online through web site and MRCPL app. Some online services (research database, material holds, etc) require input of library card and pin number. An electronic library card (e-card) is available for those who do not wish to have a physical card. E-cards provides access to digital content including ebooks, audio books, movies, music and database access. Customers cannot have both a physical card and e-card.
No fee for first library card. Charge for replacement of lost card. Autorenewal of checked out items. Fine free for late return. Fees may be assessed for lost or damaged items. Materials borrowed through Search Ohio and OhioLink networks may have late fees assessed. Contact circulation or branch staff for details.
Application for library card is open and free to any Ohio resident.
Language Line available.
Agency info
Offers library services at main library in Mansfield. Provides library branches in: Bellville, Butler, Crestview, Lexington, Lucas, Madison, Ontario, and Plymouth.