Medicaid - Non-citizen Emergency Medical Assistance (ncema) | Cuyahoga County Job And Family Services

Provides a State and Federally funded medical care benefit (a form of Medicaid) to foreign nationals, immigrants, refugees/entrants/asylees, permanent residents and undocumented persons who are hospitalized for childbirth or experience an emergency medical condition during their stay in the County, and who have limited resources. If eligibility is satisfied, the hospital will be paid directly for the care received. Other providers whose services are directly connected to the emergency event may also be paid, as determined on a case-by-case basis.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

1641 Payne Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114


M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm.


(216) 987-7000

voice | Agency Main Switchboard


(216) 987-7700

fax | For faxing documents


(216) 987-6978

voice | Virgil Brown NFSC Information Line


(216) 987-8487

Application process

In many cases it is possible to apply with a social worker at the hospital involved, or the hospital billing office may assist. Otherwise, information on applying can be accessed by calling the Eligibility Contact Center: M-F: 8:00am-1:00pm (due to high call volume, caller may be given the option to receive a call back - if they choose this option they should get a call within one business day).




Available to anyone who is not a U.S. citizen who is staying in Cuyahoga County (may be documented or undocumented). Must have experienced the sudden onset of an emergency medical condition, including labor and delivery, which requires immediate medical attention. Must be both categorically and financially eligible for Medicaid other than its citizenship requirement. This means aged (over 65), blind or disabled, a child in a family with income up to 200% of poverty, a pregnant woman up to 150% of poverty, or parents of a child up to 90% of poverty. If not already determined, disability status will be determined by the County Medical Services Board (a State agency). The date of entry into this country and the current alien status may affect eligibility, which is determined on a case-by-case basis. Call for detailed information. Does not cover routine pre- or post-natal care, or service related to organ transplant. Service providers must be Medicaid providers.

Service area

Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Agency info

Cuyahoga County Job And Family Services

Operates several Neighborhood Family Service Centers which provide cash benefits (such as Ohio Works First welfare benefits), food assistance (food stamps), medical coverage, employment/training assistance, child care vouchers, and supportive services to Cuyahoga County residents who meet eligibility requirements. Clients are assigned to a Service Center according to their zip code. Spanish-speaking staff are available.