Local Bus Transit Services For College/university Students | Metro Regional Transit Authority
Provides free public transportation on METRO DIRECT fixed-routes to students, faculty, and staff of The University of Akron. Offers a reduced fare on METRO's Northcoast Express route to and from Cleveland.
Data provided by
211 Summit
Physical Address
416 Kenmore Boulevard, Akron, OH 44301
Varies by bus line.
Application process
Swipe University of Akron Zip Card in the bus fare box.
No fee on METRO Direct (fixed-route). $1 discount off $5 fare for METRO's Northcoast Express route.
Serves students, faculty, and staff of The University of Akron. Zip Cards not valid for METRO Select services (SCAT, Call-A-Bus, or FlexRide).
Service area
Summit County, Ohio
Agency info
Metro Regional Transit Authority
Provides public transportation along fixed routes at scheduled times. Provides transportation for older adults and persons with disabilities through SCAT and ADA paratransit.