Provides one time emergency heating assistance to income-eligible households that are disconnected, threatened with disconnection, need to re-connect service that has been shut off, need to transfer or establish new service, or have less than a 25% supply of bulk fuel. Maximum amount of assistance is $175 for regulated utilities, $450 for wood and coal, $750 for unregulated utilities, $900 for bulk fuel or up to $1500 for furnace repair. Customers can also receive combined benefits for any of the above. The utility company will delay the disconnection until five business days after the confirmed appointment.

Data provided by

LSS 211 Central Ohio

Physical Address

183 Hawkes Avenue, Columbus, OH 43223


Please call during administrative hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm.

Application process

Appointment required. Homebound clients may request a home visit or virtual appointment. In order to get their entire confirmation number, clients should listen to the entire IVR message when setting an appointment. The Breathing Association's Winter Crisis program starts November 1, 2024 and will end March 31, 2025. Appointments are made via phone by calling 380-213-1444, online or email [email protected] to request an appointment. The (WCP) can pay for gas and electric disconnections, transfers, and new service. It can also assist with bulk fuels such as propane, fuel oil, and wood. Consumers can also call and request to have an application mailed to their home address. Appointment hours will vary.




Applicant must have at least one household member who is a US citizen, legal resident, or qualified alien. Households at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Level that are disconnected, threatened with disconnection, need to re-connect service that has been shut off, need to transfer or establish new service, or have less than a 25% supply of bulk fuel.



Agency info


Nonprofit organization that educates and serves the community through the prevention and treatment of lung health disease and the promotion of better lung health.