Outpatient Mental Health Treatment For Youth | Lighthouse Youth And Family Services

Provides outpatient behavioral health services, including case management and individual and family therapy.

Data provided by

211 UWGC

Physical Address

401 East Mcmillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206


Diagnostic assessments may be completed Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 6:00pm. Ongoing services provided by appointment.


(513) 487-7135

voice | Foster Care and Adoption


(513) 221-3665


(513) 487-6705

voice | Integrated Access Center

Application process

Completion of diagnostic assessment through Lighthouse Integrated Access is required. Integrated Access may be contacted by phone, email, or online at https://www.lys.org/services/outpatient/contact-us/#service-nav


Vary by services provided and length of service.


Open to individuals ages 3-24 and their families.


Interpretation services available.

Service area

Hamilton County, Ohio

Agency info

Lighthouse Youth And Family Services

Nonprofit organization providing a range of supportive services to youth and families, including therapy, residential treatment, foster care, and emergency shelter.