Healthchek | Richland County Job And Family Services
Offers a preventive health care program for Medicaid eligible individuals from birth to age 21. Designed to maintain health by providing each child with primary medical and dental care and early intervention services to address issues before they cause long-term or permanent damage or become cost prohibitive. Provides education on the importance of ongoing, routine medical care and on the appropriate use of local medical resources.
Data provided by
211 Mansfield OH
Physical Address
171 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, OH 44902-1829
Mon-Fri 8 am - 4 pm
(419) 774-0051
Application process
Visit the website at
No fees.
Richland County Medicaid eligible residents from birth to age 21.
Interpreters through the Language Line are available.
Service area
Richland County, Ohio
Agency info
Richland County Job And Family Services
Provides public assistance, health insurance, social services, and employment related activities for low and moderate income families. Administers Ohio Works First (OWF), SNAP Food Assistance, Medicaid, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Prevention Retention and Contingency (PRC) Assistance, OWF and SNAP Employment and Training Programs, Child Care Assistance, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult and Dislocated Worker program, Comprehensive Case Management Employment Program (CCMEP), and OhioMeansJobs Richland County Employment & Training Center. Provides Social Services programs: Adult Protective Services, Healthchek/Pregnancy Related Services, and Non-Emergency Transportation services.