Provides legal assistance which may include information, advice, or representation as well as online resources to help with the following issues: *Medicaid or Medicare *Managed care plan issues *Long-term care facilities/nursing home *Hospital Care Assurance Plan (HCAP) *Medical debt lawsuits *Enforce rights as disabled person to participate in state and federal programs

Data provided by

211 Fairfield

Physical Address

73 East Water Street, Chillicothe, OH 45601


Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm, closed 12:30pm-1pm


(844) 302-1800

Toll-Free | Intake

Application process

Call, email, or go online for more information or to apply.




*Applicants must be at or below 125% of the federal poverty level. *Applicants are also ineligible if providing assistance would create a conflict of interest. Client may be eligible for representation in the following cases: *Need help with a Medicaid denial of eligibility, services, durable medical equipment, supplement, termination, suspension, home care services, etc. *Have a disabled child who requires home care services, but you cannot find a provider *Are disabled or have a disabled child with home care needs which are not being provided *Applied for a Home Care Waiver and have been denied or services or hours have been denied, reduced, or terminated *Need help with because your Managed Care Plan issues a denial, termination, or reduction of services; denies a prior authorization request for something your doctor/provider says you need like medical equipment or home care services; or fails to assist arranging care for a disabled child *Need help or information about Medicare eligibility issues, services, or coverage issues *Need help paying your Medicare Part B premiums by helping establish eligibility for the Medicare Premium Assistance Programs or with denials *Need help with long-term care facilities/nursing home discharge actions/threats *Need help with a hospital bill which you cannot afford by finding out whether the hospital provided proper notice about the Hospital Care Assurance Plan known as HCAP to reduce the costs to low-income uninsured individuals *Are threatened or sued because of a medical debt *Are disabled or are caring for a person in your household who is disabled and need an accommodation to get cash assistance (known as Ohio Works First/OWF or SNAP/Food Assistance) because you cannot work You are disabled and need help because your Social Security Benefits (known as SSI, SSDI, or RSDI) are being terminated, suspended, or stopped; or if the Social Security Administration says you have an overpayment, you need help submitting a waiver request, getting a waiver denial, or giving notice to stop your benefits because of medical improvement or because you are now an adult You need help with veteran’s benefits appeals or services

Agency info


Provides legal representation at no charge in CIVIL MATTERS for residents of Southeast and Central Ohio who have low household incomes, or who are age 60 or older. The organization is the result of a merge between Southeastern Ohio Legal Services and The Legal Aid Society of Columbus.