Haven Center | Neighborhood Alliance

Provides a temporary place to stay for individuals and families with no permanent housing. Length of stay is 90 days. The capacity of the program is 68 residents. Supportive services include case management, crisis intervention, daycare, anger management and access to recovery meetings. Also provides information on where individuals can stay warm overnight and on weekends when it is extremely cold.

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

1536 East 30th Street, Lorain, OH 44055


Coordinated Entry hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. - Holiday Closures: New Year's Day. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Presidents' Day. Good Friday. Memorial Day. Independence Day. Labor Day. Thanksgiving Day. Day after Thanksgiving. Christmas. New Year Day.


(440) 277-8107

Application process

- To request assistance, call Coordinated Entry during regular office hours Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. - After hours and when Coordinated Entry is closed on a holiday, visit the shelter or call the shelter directly (440-233-8768, option 1).


No fee.


Serves Lorain County. Cannot accept sex offenders or individuals with a violent criminal history.



Service area

Lorain County, Ohio

Agency info

Neighborhood Alliance

Serves Lorain County and its neighborhoods by meeting basic human needs, enhancing individual and family life and improving neighborhood and community functioning through social and educational services, advocacy, leadership development and community participation.