Intensive Outpatient Programs | Glenbeigh Hospital And Outpatient Centers
Provides a lower level of care than inpatient substance abuse treatment. Treatment includes group and individual counseling, family counseling, substance abuse education, and relapse prevention.
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211 Cleveland
Physical Address
Day and evening hours for treatment are available. Morning sessions: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10:00am-1:00pm; Evening sessions: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 6:00pm-9:00pm. Service duration is based on individual need.
(440) 356-7623
Application process
See Service link.
Accepts private health insurance, Medicaid and Medicare. Fees may be discounted for the uninsured or the underinsured. Financial assistance available as well as payment plans. Self-pay accepted.
Chemically dependent individuals, age 18 or older. There is no county residency requirement.
Service area
United States
Agency info
Glenbeigh Hospital And Outpatient Centers
Provides continuing services for the treatment of chemically dependent adults. Services range from hospitalization for medical detoxification to low-intensity outpatient treatment. Offers specialized programs for women and adult impaired professionals.