Ahimsa | Asian Services In Action

Provides culturally specific and trauma informed services to individuals experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or human trafficking with a focus on the immigrant and refugee communities. Advocacy and legal services are available. Advocates may be able to help with crisis and long-term safety planning, counseling referrals, financial planning, support and referrals to shelter, case management, filing for a Civil Protection Order (CPO) and other services. Attorneys are available when applicable to meet with clients to discuss any legal concerns. If qualified, attorneys can help with a divorce, CPO representation, Marsy's Law, immigration, custody, etc. Program approach is assigning one advocate and one attorney to prevent the survivor from having to relive their trauma over and over again by telling multiple people the same story. Program also offers support groups for different ethnic communities and education/outreach to community members, service providers, and others. Service is not for those in immediate emergencies.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

3631 Perkins Ave., 2a-w, Cleveland, OH 44114


24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, although callers may have to leave a message at times.


(216) 881-6920

Application process

Call any time. Callers should feel free to leave a message in whatever language they feel comfortable with. If staff can't answer, callers can leave a message with a phone number that is safe for them to receive a call back from staff. May also send e-mail to request assistance.




Women of Asian backgrounds; immigrants and refugees.

Service area

United States

Agency info

Asian Services In Action

Provides a variety of culturally and linguistically appropriate social services geared towards the Asian/Pacific Islander, the lower income, limited English proficient immigrant and refugee population in the areas of benefit access, emergency food, legal services, victims of crime legal support, financial literacy education, asset building, workforce development, youth programs and more.