Pomerene Mobile Health Services | Pomerene Hospital - Main Campus

Mobile health unit providing health screenings for the following two tiers: Tier 1 Testing: * Blood Pressure - free * Blood Sugar - $5 * Lipid Panel (Cholesterol) - $20 * PSA (Prostate Cancer) - $25 * Hemoglobin A1C - $15 * Thyroid Panel - $35 * Liver Panel - $20 * Ovarian Cancer - $20 * Breast Cancer - $20 * Gastrointestinal Cancer - $20 * T4 Free - $15 Tier 2 Testing - Requires doctor's orders: * CBC (Complete Blood Count) - $20 * CMP (Complete Metabolic Panel) - $40 * COVID-19 Antibody Testing - $55 * UA (Urinalysis) - $5 * BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel) - $10 * BNP (B-Type Natriuretic Peptide) - $40 Test results will be mailed to patient and may take up to two weeks to receive.

Data provided by

211 Mansfield OH

Physical Address


7 am-11 am, at the following locations: * Keim Home Center. 4465 OH-557, Charm. Mar 13, Apr 10, May 8 * Mt Hope Auction Barn. 8076 OH-241, Mt Hope. Mar 20, Apr 17, May 15 * Danbury Senior Living. 4245 Glen Dr, Millersburg. Mar 27, Apr 24, May 22 * Fredericksburg Presbyterian Church. 201 N Mill St, Fredericksburg. Mar 6, Apr 3, May 1 * Ridgeview Community Center. 33277 SR 643, Fresno. Apr 26, May 24 * Walnut Hills Retirement Home. 4748 Olde Pump St, Walnut Creek. Apr 5


(330) 473-6607

voice | Mobile Health

Application process

Walk in. * Screenings will be available inside building locations from Dec-Mar.


Varies by screening. Self-pay available for those without insurance.


Open to all.


Pennsylvania Dutch available intermittently.

Service area

Holmes County, Ohio

Agency info

Pomerene Hospital - Main Campus

Community hospital providing 30 departments and services.