Highlands Teen Pregnancy Shelter | Shelter Care

Offers a pregnancy and post-pregnancy shelter for adolescent mothers ages 14 to 18 and their infants. Services include residential services, parenting skills, education assistance, abstinence education, nutrition information, childbirth classes and coaching assistance, and transportation.

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

32 South Avenue, Tallmadge, OH 44278


24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


(330) 630-5810


(330) 784-7200

voice | 24 Hour Crisis Hotline


(330) 633-9474

voice | Highlands Teen

Application process

Call the office for more information. A referral from a community agency is not required but many clients are referred by Summit County Juvenile Court, Summit County Children Services and social services agencies.


No fee for participants. All fees are paid by the referring agency.


Serves pregnant and/or parenting teens between the ages of 14 and 18.


Utilizes language interpretation services.

Service area

Summit County, Ohio

Agency info

Shelter Care

Provides residential and non-residential services for children and youth with emotional, behavioral, or family adjustment problems. Services includes outreach efforts, short-term crisis intervention, intermediate or respite care, and long-term care. Outreach efforts are provided through the SOS - (Street Outreach Services) Program, short-term care is provided at Safe Landing Youth Crisis Shelters. Intermediate and long-term care is provided by a network of respite and shelter homes.