Good Neighbors Green | Good Neighbors

Provides groceries for people in need. Able to deliver the food to those that are homebound.

Data provided by

211 Summit

Physical Address

2161 Greensburg Road, Greensburg United Methodist Church, Green, OH 44232


- Wednesday: 9:00am to Noon. Must arrive by 11:30am to be served. Closed the 5th Wednesday. - Closed when Green Public Schools close for weather when due to snow, not cold temperatures. - Closed the week of Christmas and New Year's.


(330) 899-9880

voice | Green Good Neighbor: Available Wednesday 9:00am to Noon only

Application process

- Drive-thru for service, clients are asked to remain in the vehicle. For delivery: - Clients must call the pantry Wednesday morning to request delivery.


No fee.


- Green Good Neighbors location serves residents in Akron zip codes 44203, 44216, 44232, 44250, 44319, 44685, and 44720. Serves cities of Clinton, Green, Lakemore, New Franklin, and Uniontown within Summit County. - Serves school districts: Coventry, Green, Manchester, Northwest in Summit County, and Springfield. - Visits permitted every 30 days.



Service area

Summit County, Ohio Green, Ohio Uniontown, Ohio New Franklin, Ohio Lakemore, Ohio Clinton, Ohio

Agency info

Good Neighbors

Non-profit volunteer organization whose purpose is to assist families and individuals in need of clothing and emergency food.