Outpatient | Nova Behavioral Health, Inc

Provides individual and group counseling to assist individuals in making the changes necessary to achieve and sustain recovery from alcohol and other substances.

Data provided by

HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

732 Beckman Street, Dayton, OH 45410


Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 4:30pm or by appt. Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 2:00pm drop in assessments First come first served.


(937) 253-8990


(937) 949-6111


(937) 252-1337

Application process

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Sliding Scale or Private Insurance. Agency has ability to service residents without insurance/income or with a limited income.


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Service area

Montgomery County, Ohio Greene County, Ohio Preble County, Ohio

Agency info

Nova Behavioral Health, Inc

OUR PHILOSOPHY We believe in the dignity and worth of all clients and potential clients who seek our assistance within our mission. We believe that both chemical dependency and mental illness are diseases that can be addressed. Behavioral, cognitive and affective dynamics can be positively impacted and individuals restored to health and productivity.