Internet Information Resources | Licking County Board Of Developmental Disabilities features up-to-date information about the services and supports the Licking County Board of DD offers to those with developmental disabilities. Additional features include information about enrollment eligibility, agency updates, newsletters and videos, a resource directory, resources for providers, career opportunities, an events calendar and more. The agency can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram as lcountydd. In addition they can also be found on YouTube as LickingCountyDD.

Data provided by

211 Pathways

Physical Address

116 North 22nd Street, Newark, OH 43055




(740) 322-6990

Application process

Visit our website at, follow us on Facebook and Twitter at lcountydd, or watch us on YouTube at LickingCountyDD.


Open to the public.

Languages uses Google Translate to offer our website in Spanish, Somali and Nepali. A translation tool can be found in the top menu of our site

Service area

Licking County, Ohio

Agency info

Licking County Board Of Developmental Disabilities

Local Board of Developmental Disabilities.