Legislative Issue Information And Advocacy | League Of Women Voters Of Geauga County

Informs the public on ballot issues and candidates, educates about the political process, and encourages voter participation. Publishes voter guides and newsletters, and sponsors "Candidates Nights" where local political candidates speak and take questions from the public.

Data provided by

211 Cleveland

Physical Address

1 Main St., Chardon, OH 44024




(216) 409-6057

voice | Communications Chair

Application process

Go to webiste or phone for information M-Su: 9:00am-9:00pm; leave a message and the call will be returned.


Fixed fee for membership.


Activities cover Geauga County.

Service area

Geauga County, Ohio

Agency info

League Of Women Voters Of Geauga County

Educates the public about the political process and encourages informed citizens to actively participate in government. Aims to influence public policy through education and advocacy.