Neighborhood Organizing/community Building | Family Services Association

Community or Neighborhood Building programs help neighborhoods regain a sense of pride in their community by helping them come together to make and sustain changes that support its residents and reduce violence and drug use.

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HelpLink 211 Dayton

Physical Address

2211 Arbor Blvd., Moraine, OH 45439


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(937) 222-3710


(937) 641-8186

voice | Video Phone

Application process

Contact Family Services for more information.


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Service area

Greene County, Ohio Preble County, Ohio Montgomery County, Ohio

Agency info

Family Services Association

As one of the oldest non-profit social service agencies, we are proud of the many social and human services organization that evolved from our rich history; providing adoption services, emergency shelter, food and clothing banks, and employment. Family Services continues to build strong partnerships within the community to support health and wellness and ensure access to services for our neighbors and friends. Walk-ins are welcome for deaf, and hard of hearing every Wednesday 1 pm-4 pm)."